Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Instant Pot Macaroni & Cheese

Instant Pot Macaroni and cheese, Chasing Saturdays

Macaroni and cheese is the best comfort food, ever! I wanted to try it in the Instant Pot.  The IP continues to amaze me.  It hasn't left my counter yet! 

Harvest is still going on in Indiana. I would say we are at 99.9% done, with a few customers left to haul in.  The Instant Pot has really helped me out this fall, getting food prepared faster.  

I would also like to share with you some amazing views we have had lately at home. 

Indiana has not disappointed in sunrises or sunsets! I took this earlier this summer, from our back yard, what a view! 

A beautiful October sunset from our front yard!

This is my view during harvest, this November sunset was a bonus!

Instant Pot Macaroni and Cheese, Chasing Saturday's

I have selected the cheese my family and I prefer, make sure to use your families favorite cheese to keep everyone in the family happy! 

1 lb elbow macaroni
4 tbsp butter
1 tsp yellow mustard
1 tsp hot pepper flakes
½ tsp pepper
½ tsp onion powder
2 tsp salt
4 cups water
1 12-oz. Can evaporated milk
16 oz cheddar cheese
6 oz parmesan cheese
1 cup bread crumbs

  1. Add macaroni, butter, yellow mustard, hot pepper flakes, onion powder, pepper, salt and water into Instant Pot.  
  2. Select Manual, cook on high for 6 minutes.
  3. Quick release valve, open lid and make sure macaroni is cooked.
  4. Add evaporated milk, and all the cheeses.
  5. Stir until creamy.
  6. Add salt & pepper to taste.

Instant Pot Macaroni and cheese, Chasing Saturdays

Crystal Kellner


Lane & Holly @ With Two Spoons said...

I love this! Going to have put this on my "to try" Instant Pot list!

Unknown said...

Wow! I need an instant pot ASAP!

Linda Thomas said...

This is a great idea to cook this easy meal in the instant pot. This will took even less time then it takes in a regular receipt. I have found a lot of reviews on Trust my paper about meals that could be cooked in the instant pot. There you will find a list of that which will loose their original taste and should be cooked in original way.

Kristen Halley said...

Instant Pot Macaroni & Cheese, tailored for the Ketogenic Diet, brings creamy indulgence without the carbs. This low-carb twist on a classic comfort food offers keto-friendly alternatives that satisfy cravings while staying true to dietary goals. Dive into cheesy goodness guilt-free with this recipe.