Macie and her creation, called a bear. It was constructed on the couch in the living room. When Big Guy saw her craft project, of Elmer's Glue, rounded scissors, and lots of construction paper, he told her to take her project back to the kitchen. I am not sure where she found the buttons, oh she is so resourceful. I bet if I was looking for buttons to fix a sweater, I would not be able to come up with any!
Did this weekend really happen? Or was it a continuation of the previous weeks, that never end? I had Sunday off of work, but those days off seem like a blur. The million things on my to-do list, don't get checked off. They just stack up!
Kids are sporting new jammies from Nana. She came over for the weekend, watch Macie play soccer on Saturday, but it was too cold and rainy on Saturday Morning. She took the kids to Nanny McFee Saturday night and they liked the movie!
Now it's time for the kids to head to bed. Rush around and come home, have a snack, do homework, go over classroom work, read a book, and head to bed.
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