Last night I took MM shopping with me. She has been under the weather for a few days, and she even had a temperature when I picked her up. The trip to the stores gave her time to take a nap. You probably think it wasn't nice of me to take her out when she wasn't feeling very well. Sometimes she sleeps the best in the car when we are traveling. Anyway, I had a Little Tykes slide set that was on hold for me at a resale shop. I had to pick it up last night, or someone else would have the opportunity to buy it. I can't believe how much those toys cost! I can't believe how much all toys, clothes and shoes costs for little toddlers! My sis and I went shoe shopping this weekend and the prices for toddler shoes is outrageous, they costs as much as my shoes. I do believe toddlers need good shoes. They are still clumsy and need good support for their growing feet. I think MM was in her last size for four months. Now we are growing into the next size. What the big guy doesn't realize is that every year, every season, she needs new clothes. I think I do a good job buying clothes on sale, or at resale shops. I have totes and totes of her clothes from last season, not willing to give them up- just yet.
By the time we got to the stores, she was already feeling better. MM Loves to talk to other people at the stores. She waves real big a them, a few will wave back. Some people love that attention. When MM gets bigger we will talk about talking to strangers!
I have found more uses for the handicap bathrooms. It is more space for moms to pull in their stuff, carriers, strollers, baby bags. Now that I have a very active toddler, I was weary about going to the restroom yesterday, but I thought I would try. MM thought it was very intersting, when she squatted down, she could see under the door and see all these feet coming in and leaving the restroom. Of course I had the fear of her crawling and wandering off and I would not be able to get her. That would be a difficult thing. She behaved very well. We went out to eat after shopping and she was a little princess at Chilis. She loves mac and cheese. I couldn't believe I was eating supper with this little person.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Friday, April 21, 2006
Crystal Kellner

This is an Easter picture of The Big Guy and MM. All ready to go to church... by the way, she was extra good in church! She sat on my lap most of the service and was a little princess. MM had a big weekend, most of it involved chocolate. She didn't care too much for the peeps. Those are still in the wrapper, and the Big Guy hasn't discovered them yet. MM had a very pretty dress for Easter. I didn't take as many pictures as I wanted in her dress. She fell asleep after church in her car seat. After we got home, I made my salads to take to the in-laws and she stayed in the car seat and slept. By the time she woke up, we were on our way up there, and had to change her clothes so we could feed her lunch. After that was time to hunt for the eggs. That was cute to see, and she enjoyed it more than I thought she would.
I have been way behind on my blogs. I usually like to do them in the evenings, and my comptuer has been at the "Dr" for a week, so I am trying to catch up on everything! I think I got it back on Wednesday. My sister told me I am a bad blogger. I guess I will get the hang of this eventually. It has been a long week.
MM had a good week last week and we haven't been as lucky this week. MM is sick with a virus and I have stayed home with her for a couple of days. I took her to the dr today and lets just hope she is better next week!
I took her to Wal Mart yesterday to pick up more medicine. We were in the craft department and we went by all of the beads in one of the isles. MM said yum yum! Oh MM , those aren't candy , those are beads! She wasn't too happy with that answer!

Friday, April 21, 2006
to Read
( Words)

This is an Easter picture of The Big Guy and MM. All ready to go to church... by the way, she was extra good in church! She sat on my lap most of the service and was a little princess. MM had a big weekend, most of it involved chocolate. She didn't care too much for the peeps. Those are still in the wrapper, and the Big Guy hasn't discovered them yet. MM had a very pretty dress for Easter. I didn't take as many pictures as I wanted in her dress. She fell asleep after church in her car seat. After we got home, I made my salads to take to the in-laws and she stayed in the car seat and slept. By the time she woke up, we were on our way up there, and had to change her clothes so we could feed her lunch. After that was time to hunt for the eggs. That was cute to see, and she enjoyed it more than I thought she would.
I have been way behind on my blogs. I usually like to do them in the evenings, and my comptuer has been at the "Dr" for a week, so I am trying to catch up on everything! I think I got it back on Wednesday. My sister told me I am a bad blogger. I guess I will get the hang of this eventually. It has been a long week.
MM had a good week last week and we haven't been as lucky this week. MM is sick with a virus and I have stayed home with her for a couple of days. I took her to the dr today and lets just hope she is better next week!
I took her to Wal Mart yesterday to pick up more medicine. We were in the craft department and we went by all of the beads in one of the isles. MM said yum yum! Oh MM , those aren't candy , those are beads! She wasn't too happy with that answer!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Crystal Kellner

Everything to Macie is a Yum! Yum! The spoon, her milk, the animal cracker, the applesauce. She use to say JUICE, but like other words, she uses for awhile and then comes up with new words. She also talks in sentences. It is very entertaining since we can't understand what she is saying.

Everything to Macie is a Yum! Yum! The spoon, her milk, the animal cracker, the applesauce. She use to say JUICE, but like other words, she uses for awhile and then comes up with new words. She also talks in sentences. It is very entertaining since we can't understand what she is saying.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Crystal Kellner

This is going to be such a nice week! I can't believe this weather! Why do I have this cold again?
MM and I had a good weekend. We didn't do too much. It was dedication Sunday at church where they paid a dedication to the new babies of the church. There were 17 babies total! That is a lot of lovin'! They gave a rose and engraved bible to the babies, and then we had a potluck after the service. It is great to see such a growing church, it also makes for an interesting church service, including MM. She is usually makes her presence known as well.
When we came back home I let her play outside for awhile. I let her play in her good clothes. She is growing out of her clothes so fast, I guess she should get some use of her good clothes. I was really suprised how this picture turned out. I think she fell down in the and she wanted me to pick her up. The lighting in this picture is very intersting. She looks like an angel.
Sunday night when it was time to get her jammies on we were jammin' to an old Wynonna CD in the radio. It is so cute to watch her dance. She definitley has her own groove going on. I was singing to her and she was dancing. Then she put her hand up to her ear, I guess I can't sing. And my one year old daughter had to tell me!
Thanks to the warm weather, the Big Guy is working late. Supper is now ready and he said he would be home at dark. He wanted me to save some dinner. I am sure there is enough roast and potatoes to go around! Once or twice!
MM and I had a good weekend. We didn't do too much. It was dedication Sunday at church where they paid a dedication to the new babies of the church. There were 17 babies total! That is a lot of lovin'! They gave a rose and engraved bible to the babies, and then we had a potluck after the service. It is great to see such a growing church, it also makes for an interesting church service, including MM. She is usually makes her presence known as well.
When we came back home I let her play outside for awhile. I let her play in her good clothes. She is growing out of her clothes so fast, I guess she should get some use of her good clothes. I was really suprised how this picture turned out. I think she fell down in the and she wanted me to pick her up. The lighting in this picture is very intersting. She looks like an angel.
Sunday night when it was time to get her jammies on we were jammin' to an old Wynonna CD in the radio. It is so cute to watch her dance. She definitley has her own groove going on. I was singing to her and she was dancing. Then she put her hand up to her ear, I guess I can't sing. And my one year old daughter had to tell me!
Thanks to the warm weather, the Big Guy is working late. Supper is now ready and he said he would be home at dark. He wanted me to save some dinner. I am sure there is enough roast and potatoes to go around! Once or twice!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Crystal Kellner

M&M slept thru the night. She had a rough morning. M&M is a morning person, so when she doesn't want to get up we know she doesn't feel the best. Every morning when the Big Guy wakes her up, she is always pointing towards the door, she can see the light from the bathroom where I am getting ready. He will get her out of her bed and she will come running into the bathroom. This morning after he sat M&M down, she went straight to our bed. She wasn't ready to get up and wanted to lay back down on our pillows. I felt guilty I didn't stay home with her again today, but M&M made it thru the day and when I picked her up she looked like she was feeling better. It was a long day at work, and it took longer than I expected to get things done at work.
Every night when we get home, she is ready to play outside. It doesn't matter how cold it is, she doesn't want to come in the house. This afternoon when we got home, I carried her into the house. It was drizzling and I didn't want her out in the cold rain when we are trying to get her better. When we got in the house, she went over to the patio door and tried to open it up. She is getting tall enough that she can reach it. She is not strong enough to turn the knob, but she knows what it is for. (When I pick her up at the sitters, she heads straight for the door, she is ready to go home.) So this evening while she is begging, in her own little way, to ask to go outside, I ignore her. I leave her coat on and work on getting supper ready. I know if I take her coat off she would get very upset. She is then occupied with pots and pans and spots a Schwan's push up in the freezer. M&M didn't eat much all day so I knew she would be hungry when we got home.
When the Big Guy gets home, M&M thinks she can get him to take her outside and play. She wimpers for a little bit, this is sort of a routine she has down. They will spend time outside before supper is ready. He starts to warm up dinner for M&M. She seems very interested in his coke, she he pours some in a cup for her. As soon as he turns his head, she decides to take a drink, a big one, and it's all over the place. I have never seen a bib hold back that much liquid. Sometimes the big guy should wear one, too.
I did get the oil stains out of her coat, now I have another load of laundry to do. I didn't have to worry about stains and wear and tear on her clothes last summer. She just sat there and looked pretty. This year, I know she will be out in the flower garden with me. If the Big Guy teaches her anything, she will be digging up worms.
Every night when we get home, she is ready to play outside. It doesn't matter how cold it is, she doesn't want to come in the house. This afternoon when we got home, I carried her into the house. It was drizzling and I didn't want her out in the cold rain when we are trying to get her better. When we got in the house, she went over to the patio door and tried to open it up. She is getting tall enough that she can reach it. She is not strong enough to turn the knob, but she knows what it is for. (When I pick her up at the sitters, she heads straight for the door, she is ready to go home.) So this evening while she is begging, in her own little way, to ask to go outside, I ignore her. I leave her coat on and work on getting supper ready. I know if I take her coat off she would get very upset. She is then occupied with pots and pans and spots a Schwan's push up in the freezer. M&M didn't eat much all day so I knew she would be hungry when we got home.
When the Big Guy gets home, M&M thinks she can get him to take her outside and play. She wimpers for a little bit, this is sort of a routine she has down. They will spend time outside before supper is ready. He starts to warm up dinner for M&M. She seems very interested in his coke, she he pours some in a cup for her. As soon as he turns his head, she decides to take a drink, a big one, and it's all over the place. I have never seen a bib hold back that much liquid. Sometimes the big guy should wear one, too.
I did get the oil stains out of her coat, now I have another load of laundry to do. I didn't have to worry about stains and wear and tear on her clothes last summer. She just sat there and looked pretty. This year, I know she will be out in the flower garden with me. If the Big Guy teaches her anything, she will be digging up worms.
Crystal Kellner

Thursday, April 06, 2006
to Read
( Words)
M&M slept thru the night. She had a rough morning. M&M is a morning person, so when she doesn't want to get up we know she doesn't feel the best. Every morning when the Big Guy wakes her up, she is always pointing towards the door, she can see the light from the bathroom where I am getting ready. He will get her out of her bed and she will come running into the bathroom. This morning after he sat M&M down, she went straight to our bed. She wasn't ready to get up and wanted to lay back down on our pillows. I felt guilty I didn't stay home with her again today, but M&M made it thru the day and when I picked her up she looked like she was feeling better. It was a long day at work, and it took longer than I expected to get things done at work.
Every night when we get home, she is ready to play outside. It doesn't matter how cold it is, she doesn't want to come in the house. This afternoon when we got home, I carried her into the house. It was drizzling and I didn't want her out in the cold rain when we are trying to get her better. When we got in the house, she went over to the patio door and tried to open it up. She is getting tall enough that she can reach it. She is not strong enough to turn the knob, but she knows what it is for. (When I pick her up at the sitters, she heads straight for the door, she is ready to go home.) So this evening while she is begging, in her own little way, to ask to go outside, I ignore her. I leave her coat on and work on getting supper ready. I know if I take her coat off she would get very upset. She is then occupied with pots and pans and spots a Schwan's push up in the freezer. M&M didn't eat much all day so I knew she would be hungry when we got home.
When the Big Guy gets home, M&M thinks she can get him to take her outside and play. She wimpers for a little bit, this is sort of a routine she has down. They will spend time outside before supper is ready. He starts to warm up dinner for M&M. She seems very interested in his coke, she he pours some in a cup for her. As soon as he turns his head, she decides to take a drink, a big one, and it's all over the place. I have never seen a bib hold back that much liquid. Sometimes the big guy should wear one, too.
I did get the oil stains out of her coat, now I have another load of laundry to do. I didn't have to worry about stains and wear and tear on her clothes last summer. She just sat there and looked pretty. This year, I know she will be out in the flower garden with me. If the Big Guy teaches her anything, she will be digging up worms.
Every night when we get home, she is ready to play outside. It doesn't matter how cold it is, she doesn't want to come in the house. This afternoon when we got home, I carried her into the house. It was drizzling and I didn't want her out in the cold rain when we are trying to get her better. When we got in the house, she went over to the patio door and tried to open it up. She is getting tall enough that she can reach it. She is not strong enough to turn the knob, but she knows what it is for. (When I pick her up at the sitters, she heads straight for the door, she is ready to go home.) So this evening while she is begging, in her own little way, to ask to go outside, I ignore her. I leave her coat on and work on getting supper ready. I know if I take her coat off she would get very upset. She is then occupied with pots and pans and spots a Schwan's push up in the freezer. M&M didn't eat much all day so I knew she would be hungry when we got home.
When the Big Guy gets home, M&M thinks she can get him to take her outside and play. She wimpers for a little bit, this is sort of a routine she has down. They will spend time outside before supper is ready. He starts to warm up dinner for M&M. She seems very interested in his coke, she he pours some in a cup for her. As soon as he turns his head, she decides to take a drink, a big one, and it's all over the place. I have never seen a bib hold back that much liquid. Sometimes the big guy should wear one, too.
I did get the oil stains out of her coat, now I have another load of laundry to do. I didn't have to worry about stains and wear and tear on her clothes last summer. She just sat there and looked pretty. This year, I know she will be out in the flower garden with me. If the Big Guy teaches her anything, she will be digging up worms.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Crystal Kellner

Last night I wasn't home. I had a marketing meeting for our customers. I get home just in time for M&M's bed time. She is tired and in my lap as soon as I get thru the door. I eat her left over shells and cheese and we take her upstairs for bed time! Now she is starting to feel a little warm. Big Guy is telling me about all the fun they had tonight working on the mower, changing the oil, taking a ride on the golf cart. I am sure she was a big help changing the oil, she has the grease on her fleece jacket to prove it! We are on wash cycle #2 trying to get that out.
M&M isn't doing any better thru the night. She is restless, and I take her temperature, it's 101. Where did all of this come from? It was a long (or short) night for us. M&M had a rough night. Big guy had to wake us up before he went to work this morning. There were plenty of things to do around the house. We started with the kitchen. M&M loves to help unload the dishwasher. She took the mixing bowl for my KitchenAid out of the dishwasher and walked it right over to the counter the mixer was sitting on. I am impressed, of course, she loves watching us use that mixer. She always requires a spatula for herself, hoping to get a taste of the icing I usually make. She is also very interested in stirring everything. I see her in a couple of months wanting to visit us cooking while sitting on the counter. Then she is standing over by the table. She wants to sit at the table, which is unusual for her. So I sit her up on one of the chairs with her milk and she's pointing at the animal crackers. She is sitting so well at the table like a big girl, so I continue to clean in the kitchen.
We had a good morning and she took a long nap. In the afternoon we went for a ride and she fought her car seat the whole time. She did not get a nap this afternoon. M&M went to bed early. I hope we have a better night.
M&M isn't doing any better thru the night. She is restless, and I take her temperature, it's 101. Where did all of this come from? It was a long (or short) night for us. M&M had a rough night. Big guy had to wake us up before he went to work this morning. There were plenty of things to do around the house. We started with the kitchen. M&M loves to help unload the dishwasher. She took the mixing bowl for my KitchenAid out of the dishwasher and walked it right over to the counter the mixer was sitting on. I am impressed, of course, she loves watching us use that mixer. She always requires a spatula for herself, hoping to get a taste of the icing I usually make. She is also very interested in stirring everything. I see her in a couple of months wanting to visit us cooking while sitting on the counter. Then she is standing over by the table. She wants to sit at the table, which is unusual for her. So I sit her up on one of the chairs with her milk and she's pointing at the animal crackers. She is sitting so well at the table like a big girl, so I continue to clean in the kitchen.
We had a good morning and she took a long nap. In the afternoon we went for a ride and she fought her car seat the whole time. She did not get a nap this afternoon. M&M went to bed early. I hope we have a better night.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Crystal Kellner

After making the cookies and finishing up the NCAA square winners, it was a late night. I finished the dishes and I had a hard time finding my way to bed. If I am guessing it was around one am. You are sitting there with your eyebrows raised at me. I am tired and my eyes are bloodshot. M&M decided to wake up a couple hours early. I put her in bed with us. She wasn't ready to go back to bed. I gave her a book- in the dark. She played with it for awhile, and then was leaning over me pointing at something on the night stand I coudn't see - it was dark. She kept repeating "Mom, Mom" I handed her the other book and then a bottle of her lotion. What does she want? Of course, the whole time the Big Guy is sleeping, or playing possum. He does that so well. He had a lot more sleep than me at this point, too. He requires more sleep than me, with is odd, I think.

After making the cookies and finishing up the NCAA square winners, it was a late night. I finished the dishes and I had a hard time finding my way to bed. If I am guessing it was around one am. You are sitting there with your eyebrows raised at me. I am tired and my eyes are bloodshot. M&M decided to wake up a couple hours early. I put her in bed with us. She wasn't ready to go back to bed. I gave her a book- in the dark. She played with it for awhile, and then was leaning over me pointing at something on the night stand I coudn't see - it was dark. She kept repeating "Mom, Mom" I handed her the other book and then a bottle of her lotion. What does she want? Of course, the whole time the Big Guy is sleeping, or playing possum. He does that so well. He had a lot more sleep than me at this point, too. He requires more sleep than me, with is odd, I think.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Crystal Kellner

Finally! Game over. I stayed up to watch the NCAA game. I really can't tell you who won, or who played, but I know I matched a score, so I won! Imagine that, Not much luck on my side most of the time.
Seems like I had a long day. The Big Guy thinks he neeeds to be on the other time zone, just to confuse the family. That's ok, supper will be on later for you buddy!
I made cookies for a work meeting for tomorrow night. It never fails, the cookies won't turn out like planned. Maybe it was planned on the the Big Guy's part so he'll have more to sample at home.
M&M went down fast tonight. She was exhausted. I couldn't get her in the house when we got home this afternoon. She was determined to walk to the end of the lane. Logically, when you get to the end of the lane, you turn back around. Not this little girl. She's on a mission. I am not sure what she is scouting out on a country road, but she is headed East now. Headed for what? I am not sure. She's getting cold and she's walking faster. She fell down four times, but she's tough, she is on a mission. M&M, it's time to go to the house. M&M walks faster. M&M, you are getting too cold. M&M walks faster. I scoop her up and she is mad. Maybe she wanted to show me something down the road, but I didn't see anything. Time to go to the house and get warmed up, maybe a diaper change, too. Does she care, no. Her mom has her, and it's not fun going back to the house. Sometimes I am glad we live in the country. No one can hear us yelling at each other. This time M&M is yelling at me, play time isn't over. If she only knew the Big Guy expects dinner when he he gets home.
Seems like I had a long day. The Big Guy thinks he neeeds to be on the other time zone, just to confuse the family. That's ok, supper will be on later for you buddy!
I made cookies for a work meeting for tomorrow night. It never fails, the cookies won't turn out like planned. Maybe it was planned on the the Big Guy's part so he'll have more to sample at home.
M&M went down fast tonight. She was exhausted. I couldn't get her in the house when we got home this afternoon. She was determined to walk to the end of the lane. Logically, when you get to the end of the lane, you turn back around. Not this little girl. She's on a mission. I am not sure what she is scouting out on a country road, but she is headed East now. Headed for what? I am not sure. She's getting cold and she's walking faster. She fell down four times, but she's tough, she is on a mission. M&M, it's time to go to the house. M&M walks faster. M&M, you are getting too cold. M&M walks faster. I scoop her up and she is mad. Maybe she wanted to show me something down the road, but I didn't see anything. Time to go to the house and get warmed up, maybe a diaper change, too. Does she care, no. Her mom has her, and it's not fun going back to the house. Sometimes I am glad we live in the country. No one can hear us yelling at each other. This time M&M is yelling at me, play time isn't over. If she only knew the Big Guy expects dinner when he he gets home.
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